To My Unbelieving Friends

The Evidence Is All Around You

It's overwhelming!   It's magnificent!   It's beautiful!

Do you realize you have a Creator?

Or are you content with what they fed you in school: a Big Bang Theory, a little Evolution and you're good to go. You might think religion is for the weak-minded, and besides, your atheist buddy told you he knew for sure  there's no God.

Most never question what they were taught. But others, well, read on...

Intelligent Design

You, your environment, everything around you screams of Intelligent Design. Life is amazingly diverse and incredibly complex. You're a walking miracle, you have a spirit and a soul, and a brain that's self-aware and capable of love. Mother Nature is pure genius. The heavens spin in precise harmony, and we sit at just the right distance from the most immense source of energy.

Do you really think it all happened by chance?

We tend to take everything for granted, but an honest look reveals abundant and undeniable evidence of Intelligent Design, the premise that if something bears evidence of an intelligent cause or design, then it most likely had a designer.

The Big Bang Theory explains an expanding universe but not  creation.
The Theory of Evolution explains evolution (some, micro) but not  creation.

They're just theories. Countless documentaries on the education channels attempt to explain the origins of the universe and life, but they all fail to mention just exactly how any of it actually came to be. They tend to gloss right over that part.

So where did matter come from?  What made it go bang?
How did life come from non-life?  Can bacteria evolve into humans?
We're just supposed to accept that it all somehow did purely by chance.

The "Evolution vs Intelligent Design" debate has been wrongly portrayed as "Science vs God". It implies that science fully supports Evolution and not the possibility of an intelligent designer or creator. It would have you believe Evolution is based on fact and therefore the only sensible explanation of how we got here.

Not so fast, McFly.

Science has come a long way since Darwin penned his theory in 1859 (yes, before President Lincoln & the Civil War). Major discoveries since then have given us a whole new perspective on the origin of life: discoveries such as the complex inner workings of the living cell, the DNA molecule, and the mapping of the human genome - discoveries Darwin knew nothing about.

Evolution contends all life evolved from the first single-cell organism through the process of natural selection and random mutation over a very long period of time.

Fact: Evolution does NOT  explain how we got here. The theory is fatally flawed. Modern science exposes those flaws.

The problems with Evolution:

Fossil The fossil record does not  support Evolution, in fact, quite the opposite: the Cambrian Explosion, missing links, no fossils of transitional creatures evolving from one species to another (sorry Evolutionists, artist's renderings & hoaxes don't count).

Cell The discovery of biological machines within the cell, coupled with the idea of Irreducible Complexity, proves they're not  the result of an evolutionary process.
Darwin himself admitted such discoveries would falsify his theory.   

DNA The discovery of DNA, dubbed "The Language of Life",
a highly complex set of blueprints or instructions for the building blocks of life. Advanced information such as this doesn't create itself, it originates from an intelligent source - proof of Intelligent Design.   

Flying Pig Natural selection and random mutation cannot account for all the new additional genetic information needed in higher, more complex life forms. These processes can only operate on existing information, and usually result in the loss  of information. For instance, you can selectively breed dogs to have only short hair which eventually eliminates the genes for long hair. More importantly, they're always going to be dogs and never will they sprout wings and learn to fly (pigs maybe).

Female Male Symbols Evolution cannot explain when or how male and female sexes originated, or why a self-sufficient self-replicating organism would evolve into a dependency on another creature for its survival.  Is that logical?

Or how a process of blind chance and random accidents could produce such an intricate reproductive system, reliant on two new "His" & "Her" co-dependent sexes. Is that plausible?  If so, how would they reproduce while their organs were evolving?

Egg Fertilization And how could two distinct sexes evolve independently, yet know exactly what would be needed from each to form this highly complicated reproductive system?  So after all those years of evolving (with no design - all by chance), one just happens to come up with eggs and a womb, and the other the necessary fertilizer, and to top it all off, genitalia that... well... "fits".
How lucky can you get!  What are the odds of that happening?  (Zero!)

Sarcasm aside, it should be obvious this amazing system could not have evolved randomly by chance, it had to have been designed (intelligently).

Continuing to believe in Evolution requires so much blind faith, many are starting to view it less as a scientific theory and more as its own religion.

More and more scientists, professors, philosophers and even many atheists are coming to the realization that Evolution is a failed theory, and that science now points strongly and convincingly toward the existence of an Intelligent Designer.

"God does not play dice with the universe."  -Albert Einstein
(Theoretical physicist)
"From a knowledge of God's work we shall know Him."  -Robert Boyle
(Father of modern chemistry)
"There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person."  -Blaise Pascal
(Scientist, philosopher, mathematician)

So why don't our schools and universities teach Intelligent Design?
Why does our education system choose to ignore the evidence for Intelligent Design and continue to promote a failed theory from the 1800s as though it were fact? Not only is Intelligent Design not taught, it is aggressively censored from all classroom discussion. Teachers and professors merely mentioning Intelligent Design as a possible alternative have been severely reprimanded and some have even lost their jobs.

Don't think that could be happening?   

Shouldn't we at least open the debate?  Shouldn't the pursuit of truth be more important, no matter where it leads?

"Never let school interfere with your education."  -Mark Twain

The Bible

What if everything in the Bible is true?

God didn't leave you without an owner's manual, He gave you the Bible. Written by men, yes, but men who were chosen and inspired by God. The Bible is a book of great wisdom, of history, of love, and a key to the future. It was the first book ever printed, and despite many attempts to eradicate it, it has remained the #1 best-selling book of the year, every single year.   

Have you read it?

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount

The Bible offers knowledge for living a life of true contentment and happiness, but it's most important message is that of salvation. Salvation is being freed from the sin and physical death of this world, and living for eternity in heaven with your Creator.

Jesus made this possible for us by dying on the cross for our sins. God's gift of salvation is free, Jesus paid the price for you, all you have to do is accept it. How? Acknowledge Jesus as your Savior, turn from sin and live by God's Word in the Bible.    

   "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
    believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
  John 3:16 (NKJV)

Is heaven for real?

When it comes to proof, atheists come up empty-handed, but not so in the case for  God. Besides all the miracles and fulfilled prophecy documented in the Bible, there's countless testimony from people who have witnessed extraordinary cases of divine intervention.

Many people have experienced miraculous medical recoveries that doctors are unable to explain.     There have been numerous encounters on the battlefield, many surrounding Israel, such as enemy rockets heading straight for densely populated areas that have suddenly and inexplicably turned out to sea, and Arab soldiers in 1967 who witnessed "armies of angels".     There have also been many accounts of people who have experienced temporary death, gone to heaven and returned.     One well-documented case was made into a movie.  

Bible link Get the Bible  

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is the war over people's souls - God's truth vs Satan's lies.

God loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven, but He didn't create us as pre-programmed robots, He gave us free will so we could choose for ourselves what paths we take. Satan, the master of deception, does everything in his power to mislead us and keep us from choosing God.

Spiritual warfare rages throughout the world 24/7 and you are very much a part of it whether you're aware of it or not. Everyone on this planet belongs to (serves) either God or Satan.     We are all born into a sinful world belonging to Satan. It's on us to decide to seek God and accept His gift of salvation.

Which camp are you in?

Understanding the reality and severity of this war is the key to understanding the motivation for much of what goes on in the world. All the conflict and chaos starts to make sense, perfect sense. Even the lunacy of politics can be explained, another major front on which this war is fought.

George Washington praying

America has been embroiled in this war, and losing. We started off "One nation under God", founded firmly upon Christian principles. We prospered into the greatest nation ever because of God's blessing.

More recently, however, we've been losing that blessing. Satan has been hard at work corrupting our government, the media, and our education system. Through his efforts, we've now deemed it politically incorrect to honor the God of the Bible.

We're systematically removing all reference to God (school prayer   , the Ten Commandments   , Christmas   ), and slowly outlawing the Bible and Christianity altogether. The further we fall from God and our Christian values, the more souls Satan reaps. Paul Harvey nailed it early on.    America's only hope is to reverse course and turn back to God.

Not convinced you're in this war or that Satan may have influenced your thinking?

Can you identify with any of the following:

  • You don't feel the need nor have the time for God. You just can't be bothered. You may think religion is a crutch, a joke, or a money scheme. And even if you did have an interest, you'd be too embarrassed to say so.
    Satan's quite alright with that.
  • You're an enlightened new wave spiritual being. You believe in a higher power or consciousness but think it's whatever anyone perceives it to be. You're taught to think  your way to nirvana. You may also worship crystals.
    Reality check:  Your god is man-made and you get to make up the rules of your religion. Your ego gets fed and you're the center of your universe.
    Satan's quite alright with that.
  • You're a progressive thinker who rejects the Bible's archaic moral standards as too extreme  for today's modern society, not to mention, inconvenient. Your bumper stickers read: "If It Feels Good, Do It"  and "I'm Pro Choice".
    Reality check:  Sin (all) separates us from God, so Satan works to erode our values until we can justify and even legalize sin. What he can't achieve in a voting booth, he will through godless politicians and a corrupt court system. Only Satan could convince someone it's ok to kill an innocent, unborn baby.
    Satan's quite alright with any and all sin.  
  • You blindly believe in Evolution. That's how we got here, end of discussion.
    Reality check:  It's one of Satan's most successful deceptions.
    Satan's quite proud of that.
  • You think the term "Separation of Church and State"  gives government
    the power to censor and ban religion (it's only used against Christians).
    Reality check:  Thomas Jefferson's words have been twisted from their original meaning. He was conveying the exact opposite, reaffirming that religion (all faiths) would be protected from  the government. Remember, our founders were all about limiting the power of government.
    Satan's quite happy to mislead you.
  • You think Israel is the problem in the Middle East.
    Reality Check:  Consider changing news sources, the Israelis are the good guys, our allies. God has always favored the Jewish people (Bible explains), so Satan targets them as well as Christians. Satan has fueled intense hatred and persecution of Jews throughout history, working thru countless enemies including Arab-Muslim terrorists and Hitler's Nazis during the Holocaust.
    Satan's quite evil.
  • You're an atheist, or worse, you actually worship Satan.
    Reality check:  Atheists have been deceived and blinded by Satan and are, in turn, used to help spread those deceptions to others. By the way, how can atheists know  there's no God? Think about it, how could anyone obtain or possess such knowledge? And why is it they spend so much time and energy fighting against something they don't even believe exists?
    Satan's quite certain God exists.
  • With so many different religions, you believe there are many paths to God.
    Reality check:  Satan provides us with many false religions, but he tips his hand as to which one contains the true path to God. Which one is he at war with? Which one's followers are not only being increasingly targeted in the U.S. but also viciously persecuted worldwide?

    Terrorists don't ask if you are Buddhist or
    Hindu or any other religion, they ask if you
    are Christian.

    The 21 Egyptians that ISIS paraded in orange jumpsuits before brutally beheading were singled out because they were Christians. All they had to do to be set free was denounce Jesus, yet knowing their fate, not one would do so.    
    Satan's quite unhappy you're becoming wise to his ways.

Make no mistake:
Spiritual Warfare is real and you're a part of it.
Satan is the master of deception and he's after your soul.
Don't be deceived, your salvation is at stake.

The Clock's A Tickin'

Don't dilly-dally, your offer of salvation has an expiration date.

This current age is coming to an end, marked by the return of Jesus. Exactly when that will occur, no one knows. Bible prophecy describes certain events and signs that will signal the end times, much of which has already taken place. Many Bible scholars feel the time is very near. There is some debate over the particulars, however this much is certain:

  • Jesus will return. - "No one knows the day or hour."
    It could be many years from now or it could happen before you finish
    reading this sentence. Jesus will rid the world of all evil and suffering.
  • You will stand before Him in judgment. - "Every knee shall bow..."  
    What direction are you headed? No matter your past, your salvation awaits. Humbly repent and your sins will be forgiven. Jesus knows your heart.
  • Jesus will defeat Satan. - "The wicked shall not go unpunished."
    Satan's successes are very temporary, he ultimately loses this war.
    Satan and his legions will spend eternity in hell.

As Christ's return draws near, there is an ever-increasing polarization between God's followers and Satan's followers. Spiritual warfare will increase exponentially.

Are you ready for Jesus' return?

What Should You Do?

You are highly encouraged to:

  • Question what you think you know.
  • Read the Bible, learn and live by God's Word.
  • Acknowledge Jesus as your Savior and be baptized.
  • Find a true Christian church and attend regularly.

Which church?

Unfortunately Satan takes every opportunity to lead us down a wrong path by providing numerous false religions, cults and questionable men of God.
Here are some guidelines for choosing a church:

  • Jesus must be acknowledged as God and Savior, not just as a teacher or prophet.
  • There should not be any additional books or required material added to the Bible that are considered equal to the Bible. The Bible was meant to stand on its own.  (Note, this is not referring to optional study material.)
  • This should go without saying, but stay clear of churches/religions that preach hate speech or call for violence or even death to unbelievers.
    Jesus teaches us to love and forgive our enemies.
  • Avoid churches that require you to perform certain works in order to earn your way to heaven. We are saved by God's grace through Jesus, not works.
  • Avoid churches that are divisive, claim to be the only  true church, enforce rules that aren't in the Bible, or censor your sources of information. These red flags may indicate a cult.
  • Beware of churches that impose mandatory tithing (financial contributions). The Bible teaches we're to tithe but it's entirely up to you, not the church.

 May God bless you with health and wisdom.

Suggested Links

  Bible App   

  Billy Graham Evangelistic Association   

  CBN Newswatch   

  David Jeremiah - Turning Point   

  Discovery Institute - Intelligent Design   

  Greg Laurie - Harvest   

  Hal Lindsey Report   

  Illustra Media   

  John Bradshaw - It Is Written   

  Lee Strobel - Seeking Truth. Finding God. Telling Everyone.   

  Living Waters - Inspiring. Equipping. Fulfilling.   

  Raul Ries - Souls for Christ   

  Reasons To Believe - Science & Faith Converge   

  Robert Jeffress - Pathway to Victory   

  The Voice of the Martyrs   

Video Credits

CBN Newswatch

"Case for a Creator" ©2006 Illustra Media
Lee Strobel

"Breakthrough" ©2019 20th Century Fox

"Four Blood Moons" ©2015 Goose Creek Productions
John Hagee Ministries

"Heaven Is For Real" ©2014 TriStar

"Unplanned" ©2019 Unplanned Movie, LLC

"Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" ©2008 Premise Media
Ben Stein, Richard Dawkins

Lee Strobel, Mike Huckabee - The Huckabee Show

Hugh Ross - Reasons To Believe

David Jeremiah - Turning Point

Robert Jeffress - Pathway to Victory

Paul Harvey - If I Were The Devil

Eric Metaxas - Prager University Foundation

Dennis Prager - Prager University Foundation

Liz Wheeler - One America News Network

Apocalypse The Second World War
Smithsonian Channel

Song Credits

"In Wonder" by Newsboys, soundtrack "Four Blood Moons" ©2015

"God Of Wonders" by Third Day

"Revelation Song" by Phillips, Craig & Dean

"Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong

"Gotta Serve Somebody" by Bob Dylan

"Judgment Day" by The Paladins

All material used for educational purposes only and not for profit.

Copyright ©2015 Holy Spirit